Faith Is Re-explained

As the two disciples walked to Emmaus, Jesus joined them as a stranger and explained the meaning of the Scriptures concerning himself. Likewise, during the Walk to Emmaus, our faith is demonstrated through fifteen talks and discussions, addressing essential aspects of God’s grace and Christian discipleship.

Grace Is Re-experienced

Upon arrival in the village of Emmaus, the disciples recognised Jesus in the breaking of the bread and remembered how their hearts had burned within them as they walked with him on the road. Likewise, during the Emmaus Weekend, grace is reexperienced through rich worship services, daily Holy Communion, the support of a caring Christian community, and other expressions of God’s love.

Christian Community Is Realised

The disciples returned immediately to the little Christian community in Jerusalem to share their story and to hear their friends’ stories of having seen the risen Christ. Likewise, on the Walk to Emmaus people live in Christian community for three days and have opportunities to share their lives in fun-filled moments as well as serious moments, small group discussions, common meals, singing, worship, and communion.

The Body of Christ Is Renewed

The disciples became the body of Christ in the world, supporting one another over the long haul as they walked in the spirit of Jesus and shared the gospel of grace with those around them. Likewise, after the three-day Walk to Emmaus, discipleship is sustained with a strong follow-up emphasis, which we call the “Fourth Day.” This emphasis involves participation in church and small, weekly support groups for mutual encouragement, guidance, and accountability.