Village Encounter
The Village Encounter is an opportunity for individual, local church, and Emmaus Ministries community renewal.
This virtual offering is designed to enhance the ongoing spiritual formation in adults. Participants in a Village Encounter are inspired, challenged, and equipped for Christian action in their local churches and various life settings. Throughout the six sessions, pilgrims gain a fresh understanding of the meaning of their faith. They reexperience God’s gift of love and emerge with a desire to pass this love on to others. Ultimately, their conscious union with Jesus Christ is strengthened, and they can better translate their faith into a practical lifestyle of openness to God’s love.
By renewing Christian disciples and providing opportunities to develop participants’ leadership skills, Village Encounter also strengthens local churches for their mission to love and serve God’s people.
By participating in Village Encounter, Emmaus Ministries communities are equipped to reach members of existing partner churches who, for one reason or another, would never attend an in-person Emmaus Ministries event. This new offering allows Communities to partner with local churches in locations far from any existing Emmaus Ministries community and contribute to developing borderless groups where individuals from various countries can grow in grace together.