The Village Encounter is a virtual offering designed as a spiritual formative experience for adults and is ideal for building borderless (and often international) community. As a part of the Emmaus Ministries family, a Village Encounter experience helps to renew and strengthen the spiritual lives of adults who are seeking to grow in their understanding of the meaning of life and their place in the world, along with determining values and priorities by which to live.

It is not an Emmaus walk, but is based on the Walk foundation where having an open mind and heart as each part unfolds. Pilgrims encouraged but let the program unfold, and not to anticipate: the same is true within the VE as the program builds on the teaching and sharing.
Village Encounter is an online offering designed to give participants a model for deepening their relationship with God by experiencing His Love and Grace. As participants reflect on the experience received outside of their immediate context, it prepares and invigorates them for the next season in their lives.

The Encounter is an opportunity for individual, local church, and Emmaus Ministries community renewal. This is designed to enhance the ongoing spiritual formation in adults. Participants in a Village Encounter are inspired and equipped for Christian action in their local churches and various life settings. Throughout the six sessions: Frid evenings & Saturday mornings over three weekends, give afresh understanding of the meaning of their faith. Participants experience God’s gift of love and emerge with a new desire love on to others. Ultimately, their conscious union with Jesus Christ is strengthened, and they can better translate this into a practical lifestyle of openness to God’s love. This experience is open to both men and women.