“Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.”
— Richard James Molloy

It is a highly structured weekend designed to strengthen and renew the faith of young Christians (17-25 years recommended age) and, through them, all those with whom they come in contact..

Music ministry
Our music is inspirational and a vital part of our Monthly Gatherings and every Walk to Emmaus.

Ladies Walk to Emmaus
A time for you to reflect on what Christ has asked each of us to do “to go and make disciples of all nations” and what that means for you personally. .

Men’s Walk to Emmaus
A Health Farm for your faith, a fourth day movement that will revitalise your faith and passion for Christ and help you brake free of the chains that bind you.
A number of reunion groups operate around Sydney to support and encourage the Emmaus community after they have completed their walk to Emmaus and to encourage and support those people who want to participate as an Emmaus team member in future walks.