Face to Face is one of the Upper Room Emmaus Ministries. This program is based on the powerful walk to Emmaus, introduced more than 30 years ago in Australia and is still going strong, with 23 active communities.

Face to Face was introduced in Australia at the 2016 National Conference at Stanwell Tops NSW.
Face to Face is specially adapted to meet the needs of Men and Women 60 years and over and those who cannot cope physically with a Walk to Emmaus program. It has eight sessions and is flexiblely structured.

Face to Face will strengthen your spiritual life, family, friends, and Church.

Contact your local Emmaus Community or the National Face-to-Face Coordinator for more information.

Contact Vince Van Sant, the National Face-to-Face Coordinator, or go to Face-to-Face introduction information.

Further information about Face to Face can be found on The Upper Room web page.