The Western Sydney Emmaus Community covers the area roughly from the mountains in the West to about Parramatta to the East and from Around Camden in the south to around the Castle Hill area in the north.
The Western Sydney Community began out of the Sydney Community and was registered as a community in April 1991.
Emmaus leaders are often called upon to introduce the Walk to Emmaus and to describe some of its features. This is not a simple task, because Emmaus involves many aspects and experiential dimensions which can be difficult to articulate or even to remember. In addition, each Walk to Emmaus is part of a larger tradition as a spiritual renewal movement which is passed on from weekend to weekend. So efforts to adequately describe the Walk to Emmaus often fall short.
One way of describing the basic intent and design of the weekend is to use the example of the resurrection story of two disciples on the road to Emmaus outlined in Luke 24:13-35.
The disciples together became the body of Christ in the world, supporting one another over the long haul as they walked in the spirit of Jesus and shared the gospel of grace with those around them. Likewise, after the three-day Walk to Emmaus discipleship is sustained with a strong follow-up emphasis which we call the “Fourth Day.” This emphasis involves participation in church and in small, support groups for mutual encouragement, guidance, and accountability.